We’re bringing together

The Best
of the Best

You worked hard on your competitions. You beat the best of your region. Now, it’s time to prove you’re the best in all of MIST. Join us at MIST Nationals, where we’re bringing together the Top 3 students of every competition from every region, to compete and claim the throne. Will your region be on top?


Registration details

Early Registration: April 22nd - May 31st
Late Registration: June 1st - June 9th

Competitors: $80 (Early) / $100 (Late)
Guests: $80 (Early) / $100 (Late)
Coaches: $40
Chaperones: $40


Venue Information

Baltimore Convention Center
1 West Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

Basketball venues TBD


Hotel Information

Attendees will be split between the Hyatt Regency and the Holiday Inn (both within one block of the venue — room assignments will be distributed after registration).

Discounted flat rate: $85/person (covers Friday and Saturday night stay)

Discounted rates are only guaranteed for the first 800 registrants.


Competition Deadlines

4-week early deadline (June 28th at 11:59 PM): Business Venture Proposal, Science Fair Abstract, Humanitarian Service

2-week early deadline (July 12th at 11:59 PM): Poetry, Prepared Essay, Short Fiction, Short Film, Social Media, Graphic Design

Frequently Asked Questions

+ Do I qualify for Nationals?

You qualify for the National tournament if you placed in the Top 3 of a competition at your Regional tournament (with the exception of pilot competitions, which include: Soccer, Volleyball, Scrapbook, Culinary Arts, French Essay and Oratory, American Sign Language, Super Smash Bros.).

You can view the full list of National qualifying competitions here.

+ Is there transportation to Nationals?

Your Regional tournament organizers will coordinate all travel arrangements for your region.

You may also travel independently to Baltimore. If you plan to fly, please confirm your flight quickly as travel costs will increase as the tournament date approaches.

+ I placed 4th in a competition, and the (1st-3rd) place competitor can't go to Nationals. Can I take their place?

Unfortunately, no. You must have placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in your given competition. You may still register as a guest and take part in the Nationals experience!

+ How will hotel arrangements work?

We will be providing hotel room assignments after registration has closed and we've collected hotel room requests from the regions. Your region will contact you regarding hotel roommate preferences and payment.

In general, you will be sharing a room with others from your region. Regions will be divded between the Hyatt Regency and the Holiday Inn.

+ Can I share a room with a sibling/family member?

Rooms will be assigned by gender. If your family totals to 4 people, and you would like your own room, you may contact us at ntc@getmistified.com so we can include your family as a consideration while assigning rooms.

+ What's the food situation?

Food will not be provided at MIST. The schedule will, instead, have open time slots for attendees to go to nearby vendors and restaurants to purchase food. A complete list of vendors and restaurants will be released prior to Nationals.

+ Will there be separate tickets for the Awards Ceremony?

Yes, we will be selling tickets specifically for the Awards Ceremony for those that are unable to attend the rest of the tournament.

+ Adderpit isn't allowing me to register for Debate. What should I do?

Debaters that competed Solo at Regionals are permitted to compete Solo at Nationals. Debaters that competed as a Duo at Regionals should continue to compete as a Duo at Nationals. If your Debate partner is unable to come to Nationals, you may compete as a Solo debater. Please email us at ntc@getmistified.com if you have any issues with registration.

+ If I register before the Early Registration deadline, but pay afterward, will I have to pay the Late Registration cost?

If you complete your registration before the Early Registration deadline, and do not make any changes after the deadline, you will only be charged the Early Registration cost. Any changes made to your registration after the Early Registration deadline will result in having to pay the Late Registration cost.