Remaining 2020 Tournaments Canceled

Assalamu alaikum (peace be upon you),

We hope this post finds you in a good state of health and faith. As many are aware, nearly all MIST regional tournaments were postponed as a result of COVID-19. The regional organizing teams have been hard at work exploring alternatives and possible future dates for 2020 regional tournaments. This post serves as an update for all regions that have yet to host a tournament.

Due to the heightened concern of creating a second outbreak of COVID-19, all physical regional tournaments will be canceled for the remainder of the calendar year. While it is understood that local and state governments are easing restrictions and attempting to return to normal operations, MIST will be erring on the side of caution. This was a difficult decision to make, but the health and safety of MIST participants come first. Everyone that registered for a canceled MIST event will be automatically issued a full refund of payments collected by MIST (details of which are shared by each specific region in an email sent to registered participants).

In the spirit of promoting competition and engaging students to think critically about the annual theme, MIST will be hosting a national virtual tournament in early August for competitors from all regions, including those that have had their tournaments canceled. Details will be shared as they become finalized.

This has been a difficult time for everyone, and MIST appreciates your continued patience and support. For any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to reply to this email. For inquiries regarding the virtual tournament, please stay tuned for future updates.


The Muslim Interscholastic Tournament

MIST National